Tuesday, May 26, 2009

a year ago.

so much to catch up on from the last few weeks...2 more teeth...(finally) forward army crawl/inchworm...pulling up in his bed...gagging on birthday cake...getting really good at feeding himself...going from formula to milk...big boy walkin' shoes...first trip away from him...so much going on...

but i was just sitting  here (tearfully) remembering that this time last year i was having contractions...that lasted all night, every five minutes....until they became irregular early in the  morning...went to the doctor around 9 am...5 cm...sent me to the hospital...contractions stayed irregular until she broke my water i think around 1:30pm...epidural maybe an hour later...and he arrived at 7:50pm.

while showing pictures of him during my first trip away last weekend, i got asked if i walk around feeling like my heart is gonna explode all the time...that would be a yes.
what an incredible joy he has been.  

i can't believe it's been a year.

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