Friday, June 26, 2009

a little more culture.

every june charlotte has "pops in the park" which is where the charlotte symphony performs outside and tons of folks bring picnics and whatnot and listen...stetson went once last year when he was 5 weeks old but he enjoyed it a little more this took him a few minutes to warm up (as usual) and he wouldn't get out of my lap at first...but then he was happy sitting on the blanket playing with whatever we gave him...he eventually kept trying to crawl to other people's blankets...we had no idea how long he would last because we didn't go until 6:30pm and the music doesn't start 'til 8 but he did great...he didn't start rubbing his eyes until was lots of fun picnicking with our friends and getting to hear the charlotte symphony.

the great outdoors.

this was stetson's first time in his own baby pool in our backyard...he liked it but eventually was more interested in the grass...he's been weird about textures so i was surprised he like crawling in the grass...and i was nervous that something was going to bite him...i'm trying not to pass on my bug phobia to him so i try to not completely freak out in front of him if there is some sort of bug...but you the best you can.

QT with dada.

james was in town father's day weekend and he took stetson to our friends' pool that saturday while i was at was his first time in a big pool and he loved it but got bored eventually...guess it's not quite as fun for him as a baby pool where he can crawl around and play with toys.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

busy little bee.

it's officially getting crazier at our house.  stetson is (finally) crawling on all fours and starting to pull up so he is all over the place.  for right now i'm enjoying it because we didn't know if he was ever going to.  he hasn't actually pulled up to a stand yet but is either on his knees or one foot, one picture style.  he's tearing up all our magazines and trying to eat them.  he's just being funny in general.  he claps all the time now (especially when he's eating) and shakes his head no when he's done eating or i tell him no.  he loves big boy milk...we're just trying to get him to eat more table food.  (the pediatrician would like that to improve over the next few months.)  he's had refried beans a few times and liked them...we've gotten him to take a few bites of scrambled eggs.  and of course he LOVES baby goldfish and the baby cheese puffs.  he's more open to crunchy textures.  he is still such a good baby and sweet boy.  he catches on to things really quickly...i am discovering that they understand  much more than you think they do.