Friday, March 6, 2009

our little string bean.

stetson went for his 9 month well check yesterday and weighed in at a whopping 18 pounds 1 ounce and was 29 inches long.  so he is currently in the 15th percentile for weight and 70th for length.  his cheeks may be deceiving, but he is a skinny little guy.  he smiled , talked, and thoroughly charmed the nurses and our doctor.  he had to get his toe pricked so they could take some blood to check for anemia and he just sat there with his hand on the nurse's shoulder and didn't even wince.  he had to get one shot and did cry a little.  but overall, we're thankful for a good report!  also, we knew he was's been way worse than when he got his 2 bottom teeth...but the doctor said he's getting 4 on the top at once.  you can start to see a little bit of white through his gums so i'm hoping they'll break through soon!  he's had a couple of rough nights and occasionally been a little fussy...but not too bad considering how swollen his gums are.  poor little guy.  it seems like if he's going to have a rough night, he does it when james is here's hoping for a weekend of good nights!...especially since mama has a cold.  

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