Friday, January 30, 2009

8 months old.

i took this today while we were out and about...stetson was being so cute...very cheerful and smiling and laughing at everything and nothing.  one of the cutest things is watching him laugh while playing with one of his toys---not because i'm doing crazy stuff to get him to laugh.  he just started doing this recently.  he has a little toy laptop that he is currently obsessed with that makes him laugh.

he's also trying to reach stuff that is out of reach and it's really cute to see him sitting on the floor bending forward as far as he can with his arms out.  i'm hoping this will encourage him to start crawling.  although i'm really not in a big hurry for that.  he sits and plays pretty contentedly and it sure is nice.  he's just pretty pleasant all around.  and he is growing so much.  he looks bigger to me all the time.  especially his head.  

1 comment:

Aunt Gail said...

Can't get over how much Stetson is growing. I enjoy your blog so much as it gives me so much joy to watch him grow and get a peek into your world since we are far away.
Love you all!