Friday, December 26, 2008

6 month check-up, etc.

stetson went for his well-check on dec 11...he weighed 16 lbs 3 oz (now in the 25th %) and 26 3/4 inches long (still around the 75th %)...he's a skinny little guy but he's pretty muscular.  he wasn't sitting up too well at the time of the doctor's appointment but he is now.  the doctor told us it was ok but we just needed to keep working with him on it...he said that sometimes babies that are really content won't push themselves to do new things.  his favorite thing to do is lay on his back and kick like crazy and i'm sure if we'd let him, he'd be content to do that all day...which, for him, is only about 5 or 6 hours of wake time.  he still requires alot of sleep and enjoys having downtime in his crib before he goes to sleep.  he can now sit up and play for a while before falling over...he got a johnny jump up for christmas but still hasn't figured out the jumping part.  so far he just turns himself in circles.  his bottom two teeth broke through last week so chewing on our fingers is no longer an option...too painful!  he is babbling up a storm now...lots of consonant sounds...the doctor said he's a little ahead verbally...he also has become much more social in the last month...before it would take him a little while to warm up to new people and now he smiles and talks alot more openly.  he is such a joy to have around.  the month of december has been very hectic and exhausting...hence, the lack of updates.  james went on an eleven day trip (let's not do that again any time soon!) wasn't bad, we had aunt holly and uncle troy and my mama...but just having sole responsibility for that long was truly heart goes out to single from the time he got home (dec 15) it has been non-stop with me working, going down to atlanta to have christmas with james' family, and then coming down to vidalia for christmas with my family.  as much as i love the holidays, by christmas day i'm looking forward to getting back to normal routines.

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