today stetson is 15 months old and had a well check appointment. he now weighs 21 lbs even (10th %) and is 31 inches long (50th %). he's a little lightweight. the doctor wanted to see him to make sure he was making some progress on his feet. and he was happy with everything stetson is doing now...he's still not walking on his own, but he is taking steps holding onto furniture and occasionally letting go and balancing....tonight he stood in the tub without holding onto anything for a good 10 seconds or he's on his way...the doctor says he'd like him to be walking by 18 months. i think he probably will be.
he is also still talking up a storm...most of which you can't understand...he only says a few words on his own...mama, dada, neh neh (no no), yeah, bye bye...but it seems like every day he repeats more words after me...he can say baby really well...yesterday he said it when he saw a baby on the tv without me prompting him...i was trying to teach him to say beach because we're leaving for the beach tomorrow...he says bee...and he had been saying kuh whenever i would ask him if he wanted milk, but now he says gulk. sometimes when he doesn't know how to say what we're saying, he'll use sounds he knows and do the same number of syllables. all in all he is quite communicative...i'm still surprised every time i tell him to do something and he does it.
another thing he really loves is brushing his teeth. he gets so excited when i take him into the bathroom before bed to do it.
so tomorrow we leave on our first vacation since he was born. we haven't been to the beach since before i was pregnant with him. i am hoping he will love it.